This board was conceived during a long flat spell after weeks of cruising on a long board and everything else in-between I had the thought to make a board that could be surfed in small waves the way you’d surf a head high wave. The key was finding a way to harness speed and build a board that fits the curve of small waves. Thinking outside the box on rocker, outline, and especially the bottom contours everything was designed to harness speed and allow you to use it as efficiently as possible. The bottom on the Haulin Oats is very unique and something I have never seen from any other shaper. Something I’m calling Flat Panel Concave. FPC concave is flat across on each side of the stringer. Basically an inverse version of a flat panel vee. What this does is create less friction than a standard convex concave increasing speed and giving the feeling of glide as well as the hold of a regular concave. The FPC concave is deepest just above the back foot area and transitions into a slight vee just under the back fin with double concave inside the vee as it exits. This creates a Venturi effect as water flows into the large area of the concave and passes through the fins and out the vee/double concave exiting the tail creating thrust. Volume is hidden well in a small package which gets you into waves easy and generates speed instantly. We are self-proclaiming this board as our fastest model. The Haulin Oats hauls!
Typical Dimensions: